This sneaky combo is Genius!

There is nothing like a Ninja with a Shot of Whiskey.

Chiyome, the leader of the Ninjas, is the most powerful card drawing card in all of Face Off. A Shot of Whiskey, a Cowboy Power Tree Card, allows you to play extra cards in the HQ and gain VP tokens.  So when these two get together, you win the Face Off, then you card draw your way to victory in the HQ and gain a couple of VP tokens along the way.


You won’t believe how Doc Holiday takes Mutton-Gate to whole new level!

Doc Holiday was waxing rhapsodic as the local Cowboy watering hole.  He began politely enough, though there have been a hint of sarcasm underneath his drunken slur, “Why Flint, why Gomen, does this mean we’re all not friends anymore? You know, if I thought you weren’t my friend… I just don’t think I could bear it!”  Then while caressing his holstered revolver with the gentleness of a new lover a gleam shone from his suddenly sharp eyes.  “If you weren’t my friend, we just might have to play for blood the next time we play.”

He chuckled then added, “The truth is there is no difference between Pirates and Ninjas.  They are all reckless, dishonorable thieves.  And not the good kind.  I calculate we’ll all be better off once their like has been vanquished.”

More Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story. (Part Two)

Face Off Logo

I can’t express to you how much I hate waiting for my turn.

I think the best part of a board game is sitting around the table after the game is over and, win, lose or draw, talk it over with my friends and brothers.

“This is what I experienced…. What were you thinking here…. I was so close to doing this, that, or the other….”

Read more “More Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story. (Part Two)”

What to win Face Off every time you play? Master this one weird trick.

This is Aristotle.

He’s a Genius and he works with your Faction because he works with every Faction.  If you grab him turn one, you’re doing well.  If you grab him turn one without playing your best combo, you’re going to win.  EVERY SINGLE TIME!**


** The AGDR Game Designers would like you to know that they have mountains of statistical evidence based on copious play tests that proves the above statement isn’t really true.***


*** The AGDR Marketing Department would like to invite the AGDR Game Designers to suck it.

How to stop spending so much in the Market Phase.

Market cards are the most powerful cards in the world (of Face Off).  It’s easy to be seduced by their beauty and power.  But you’re bidding Victory Tokens.  So you have to be careful not to over pay.  Follow this simple, two step tip and you’ll be the bomb.

So.  Here it is.  If the person to your right says a number that is less than three you say, ‘Three’.  If the person to your right says a number that is three or higher, you say ‘Pass’.

Let’s practice.

If I’m sitting to your right and I say ‘Two’, you say?

That’s right, you say ‘Three’.

If I’m sitting to your right and I say ‘Four’, you say?

‘Pass’.  Very good.

Now all you have to do, is learn to bid like a boss.  Stay tuned for future tips.

Yes! Face Off is life changing!

Movie Star Sherlock threw a full on star powered temper tantrum yesterday before storming off in a huff worthy of a twelve year old girl.

When reached for comment at 221b Baker Street, Sherlock Prime said, “When we the eliminate the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.  We’ve clearly been brought here by a force beyond our understanding and if we want to return to where we came from, we must win Face Off.  That’s it.  It’s simple really.  Movie Star Sherlock can accept the reality of our situation or not.  It won’t really matter once he enters The Arena.  In the mean time, I’m sure Granny-esque Sherlock has some cookies for him.”

Floating Brain in a Jar calls Latest Poll ‘Fake News’!

“I may be a disembodied brain in jar with a maniacal disregard for humanity, but there is no way I am less powerful than a G-d D@mn Teddy Bear!  This is totally fake news.  And while you a-holes are here, let me also address the rumors that I was once in the body of Hitler.  I was never in the body of Hitler.  Hitler was an idiot.  I, sir, am no idiot.  In my human days I was decidedly more… Creative.”

The Brain is a jar is referring to the latest five fifty seven and a half poll of polls –results below.  If you’d like your voice to be heard on the matter, keep an eye on the Face Off page on Board Game Geek where future polls will be published soon.



Flint’s Archer-esque response to Mutton-Gate

“Read a Book!”  Flint yelled as he emerged from a 1978 Trans Am so finely polished it was actually cool again.  “The last Pirate movie made what? A hundred million pounds in like two hours.  What’d the last Ninja movie make?  No one knows because they haven’t made one since the eighties.  So tell that little Rice Farmer to take her cute little pony back to the fields and leave Face Off to the Big Boys.”

Is this the card that reveals the identity of the Last Jedi?


But we all know Luke is the last Jedi.  It says so in the Force Awakens crawl.

Anyway this is the Truth Gun.  Not only does it Jedi Mind Trick your opponents into revealing their secret cards, it is the only weapon that combos with every single faction in the game.

Players have tough early decisions as long as the Truth Gun is still hanging around the Power Tree –especially Monster Players.