Words are unnecessary.
Author: Clay Weill
Even More Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story (Part Three)
The changes to the Game of Awesome version 2.0 were so dramatic the name of the game changed to Face Off. But I wanted to acknowledge where I had come from and the progress I had made, so I kept the numbering system. Thus The Game of Awesome 2.0 became Face Off 3.0.
The first major change was the destruction of generic cards. Now everyone started with named, cool cards. Why start with lame when you can start with cards that are fun to have in your hand and even more fun to play with?
Second, I split the power tree and the clock deck. I liked the way the ‘tree’ limited your choices, and there are subtle strategy tricks in blocking what cards were available for players to take that are important to master. Thus the Power Tree we all know and love was born. I briefly experimented with five cards on the bottom row, but for space reasons more than anything else, I soon cut it to three cards on the bottom, two in the middle, and the deck on top.
The clock deck, then, was divided into green, yellow, and red backed cards. And there were forty five cards in the deck. The game called for players to play all 45 cards. The only problem was the game stopped being fun after about 25 cards. By that point it was clear who was going to win. And we were just playing out the string.
The market was back. It was a bidding market. Players bid on how many ‘cloggers’ they were willing to take into the their decks in order to gain cards.
And finally locations made it back too, we called them Headquarters or HQs. To get around the problem of having dead cards in your hand, I got rid of location specific actions. Now all cards worked equally well everywhere.
Face off 3.0 felt really close. There were just a couple of tweaks (as noted above) that needed to be made. I was positive Face Off 3.5 was going to be the final, publication ready version.
To see how Face Off 3.5 got a lot a WHOLE lot worse, tune in next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel. Same goofy jokes.
This Pirate stepped up to a Cannon in real life, then OMG!
Anne Bonny, in order to save the life of her lover and partner Jack Rackham, stepped in front of a cannon blast…AND LIVED. According to legend her leather vest was so studded with Grape Shot it served as armor for the rest of Anne’s pirate days.
In other news Jack had to the dishes for the rest of his life –he kind of owed her.
How to Bid like a Boss!
Most people start bidding with a single Victory Token –because hey why not see if your opponents will let get a great card on the cheap, right.
I’ll tell you why not. It’s lame. The next time you’re in the market bid like a Boss. Don’t start at one like a kindergartener hiding in the corner of the lunch room. Grab two heaping handfuls of chutzpah and bid seven. No one is going to bid against you. And they’ll probably be intimidated for the rest of the game.**
**The AGDR Game Designers think this is terrible advice.***
***The AGDR Marketing Department would like to remind everyone that ADGR Game Designers still live with their mothers.
This Monster Drinks Blood to Survive. You’ll be amazed that it’s not Dracula.
This sneaky combo is Genius!
There is nothing like a Ninja with a Shot of Whiskey.
Chiyome, the leader of the Ninjas, is the most powerful card drawing card in all of Face Off. A Shot of Whiskey, a Cowboy Power Tree Card, allows you to play extra cards in the HQ and gain VP tokens. So when these two get together, you win the Face Off, then you card draw your way to victory in the HQ and gain a couple of VP tokens along the way.
You won’t believe how Doc Holiday takes Mutton-Gate to whole new level!
Doc Holiday was waxing rhapsodic as the local Cowboy watering hole. He began politely enough, though there have been a hint of sarcasm underneath his drunken slur, “Why Flint, why Gomen, does this mean we’re all not friends anymore? You know, if I thought you weren’t my friend… I just don’t think I could bear it!” Then while caressing his holstered revolver with the gentleness of a new lover a gleam shone from his suddenly sharp eyes. “If you weren’t my friend, we just might have to play for blood the next time we play.”
He chuckled then added, “The truth is there is no difference between Pirates and Ninjas. They are all reckless, dishonorable thieves. And not the good kind. I calculate we’ll all be better off once their like has been vanquished.”
The Action on this card will make your jaw drop!
More Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story. (Part Two)
I can’t express to you how much I hate waiting for my turn.
I think the best part of a board game is sitting around the table after the game is over and, win, lose or draw, talk it over with my friends and brothers.
“This is what I experienced…. What were you thinking here…. I was so close to doing this, that, or the other….”
Read more “More Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story. (Part Two)”
What to win Face Off every time you play? Master this one weird trick.
This is Aristotle.
He’s a Genius and he works with your Faction because he works with every Faction. If you grab him turn one, you’re doing well. If you grab him turn one without playing your best combo, you’re going to win. EVERY SINGLE TIME!**
** The AGDR Game Designers would like you to know that they have mountains of statistical evidence based on copious play tests that proves the above statement isn’t really true.***
*** The AGDR Marketing Department would like to invite the AGDR Game Designers to suck it.