Flint’s Archer-esque response to Mutton-Gate

“Read a Book!”  Flint yelled as he emerged from a 1978 Trans Am so finely polished it was actually cool again.  “The last Pirate movie made what? A hundred million pounds in like two hours.  What’d the last Ninja movie make?  No one knows because they haven’t made one since the eighties.  So tell that little Rice Farmer to take her cute little pony back to the fields and leave Face Off to the Big Boys.”

Is this the card that reveals the identity of the Last Jedi?


But we all know Luke is the last Jedi.  It says so in the Force Awakens crawl.

Anyway this is the Truth Gun.  Not only does it Jedi Mind Trick your opponents into revealing their secret cards, it is the only weapon that combos with every single faction in the game.

Players have tough early decisions as long as the Truth Gun is still hanging around the Power Tree –especially Monster Players.

What this Cowboy did will shock and disgust almost anyone. Or no one. Or maybe someone.

This is Nat Love A.K.A. Deadwood Dick.  He was born a slave in 1854, freed by the Civil War, and full on Cowboy in Arizona by his 16th birthday.

In 1876 he entered the Dakota Territory July 4th Rodeo –mostly for the big Prize Money –and he proceeded to win first place in every single event.  The calf rope. The rope throw. The hog tie.  The bridle.  The saddle, and The bronco riding.

To prepare for the events, in order to build up calluses and toughen his hands, ole Deadwood reportedly peed in each hand twice a day.

Asked, in the Cowboy training center located somewhere west of the Mississippi, if he would continue the practice, Dick said, “Whatever it takes for the Cowboys to win, is whatever I’m gonna do.”